Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How to Overcome Fever In Children in Rainy Season

How to Overcome Fever In Children in Rainy Season

How to Overcome Fever In Children in Rainy Season
How to Overcome Fever In Children in Rainy Season


Many viruses and bacteria that often strike in the rainy season, therefore parents need strict monitoring of the health of children. Diseases that have subscribed in the rainy season is cold, cough and flu. And not infrequently mild fever to a dangerous fever can affect your family too.

 How to Overcome Fever In Children in Rainy Season-Age children are ages are susceptible to all diseases, one of which is a fever. Not infrequently parents experience when a child fears of high fever in the rainy season. When a child has a high fever, you should quickly take a decision, here I will share tips
How to Overcome Fever In Children in Rainy Season......

1.Find Out Temperature Children
The first thing you should do is Find out temperature using a thermometer child calmly. Make sure you take the correct temperature at the right place anyway. Best place to find out the child's body temperature is the mouth, armpit and elbow creases. When you already know the temperature, then you can decide on the child first aid.
2. Compress Forehead Children
compress considered trivial for some people. But make no mistake, compress the child's forehead is the first aid needs to be done to lower the temperature of the child fever. Use cold water to compress the child.

3. Ensure Child Drinking Enough
Fever in a person's body can affect the fluid in the child. Try to keep the child is willing to drink enough at the time of her fever. By drinking enough water, the body fluid circulation and heat-causing bacteria can go wasted with sweat or urine.

4. • Call the Pediatrician
When a child has a high heat in a period of more than 24 hours, please do not hesitate to call the pediatrician. Pediatricians can examine the child and give him the recipe. thus the child is at least have gotten a little help.
5. Clothing
   Cold as the weather is rainy or air conditioning, can be a child's immune trigger is reduced so that he had a fever. Make sure children wear warm clothes in the rainy season especially when not feeling well, so you have to really pay attention to the clothes that he used.
6. Health Food and Body
Food hygiene and body so needs to be maintained in the rainy season. When the child has a fever sure provide nutritious meals and certainly clean. Although in a state of fever, the child should also be maintained cleanliness of the body. Do not need a bath to keep it clean, simply wipe the child's body using a towel soaked in warm water.

careful, Energy Drinks Dangerous for Children

careful, Energy Drinks Dangerous for Children


careful, Energy Drinks Dangerous for Children
careful, Energy Drinks Dangerous for Children

A recent study shows, thousands of children face serious health threats and potentially death from consuming  energy drinksThose who love sports or want to increase stamina quickly often choosing energy drinks. But avoid these drinks to children because the effect can be harmful to health, especially children.

careful, Energy Drinks Dangerous for Children-More than 5,000 cases of people falling ill as a result of energy drinks have been reported in the United States between 2010 and 2013, and nearly half of these cases were children. Thus the results of a study presented at the American Heart Association meeting (11/17/14).

Energy drinks usually contain high levels of sugar and caffeine at least equal to that teradapat on a cup of coffee.

But the effects of the rapid increase of energy drinks comes from a mixture of other materials, ranging from taurine and L-carnitine, an amino acid, to ginseng.

Drinks harmful?

Serious side effects of this beverage, among others, seizures, irregular heart rhythm and blood pressure is very high. Side effects that usually found in children aged less than 6 years who consumed the drink without realizing it.

"They do not go to the store and buy it, they found it in the refrigerator, or abandoned by his parents at the table," said study co-author Dr. Steven Lipshultz, Chief of Pediatrics at Children's Hospital of Michigan.
In 2007, Lipshultz began to realize that children and adults who consume energy drinks into the emergency room because of illness. He began to wonder if the problem is going to be a new trend. He and his team began to track data from poison control centers around the


In 2011, he reported that cases of illness associated with consumption of energy drinks skyrocketed with side effects such as heart problems, liver damage, seizures and even death. In a separate study, the US government found that emergency room visits related to the consumption of energy drinks grew rapidly between 2005 and 2011, said Lipshultz.

Energy drinks that contain certain additives, such as amino acids and plant extracts, tend to cause more severe problems than drink powder form which mainly contains caffeine.


Many people do not realize the potential for serious side effects of energy drinks. As a result, parents and siblings put drinks with easy access so do not realize that they leave this risk in children.

Therefore he suggested that this drink has a special label as tercanum in packs of cigarettes and alcohol.

In addition, children and adults with risk factors such as seizure disorders, arrhythmia or predisposition to high blood pressure, it is advisable to not consume energy drinks, says Lipshultz.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Beware cough shortness of breath in children

Beware cough shortness of breath in children
Beware cough shortness of breath in children
Beware cough shortness of breath in children

Many children from the age range of six months to three years of experience cough accompanied by shortness of breath, but sometimes it escaped the attention of parents.

Mother, if your child often have a cough# shortness of breath?

  most parents often misinterpret cough@ shortness of breath in children as the common cold. indeed, that the shortness of breath or cough croup usually comes after child flu. The symptoms were very common, which begins with the snot out continuously, mild fever, and cough, so that parents often do not realize that their children have a cough shortness of breath and need help immediately.

When children breathe air, there will be a squeaking sound or sounds rowdy, which indicates that there is a blockage in the chest that makes kids difficulty breathing air. Then, watch out also when coughing children as improved in the morning, but re-intensified at night until the child awoke from his sleep, cough sound is very typical, you know. Cough shortness of breath will emit sound "brassy" or similar with barking, not just a "cough" normal.

Mother, once you know the danger if the child until trouble breathing, because breath is tervital us as human activity, is not it? Especially in infants of less than one year old, because he can not give you. So, do not underestimate the slightest cough your child suffered yes, and immediately consult aphysician.

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