Wednesday, March 18, 2015

tips on maintaining the health of children

10:18 PM

tips on maintaining the health of children

tips on maintaining the health of children
tips on maintaining the health of children

tips on maintaining the health of children-Children today tend to have less physical activity, because of the many entertainment such as television and video games. Children prefer to watch TV for hours while munching on snacks than activity outside the home. The lack of activity plus unhealthy diet can lead to obesity in young age, and may be the beginning of many other health conditions that are more serious.

It is the responsibility of parents to teach children the importance of a healthy body, as well as how to keep maintaining the health of children from an early age.
good mother intelligent!!, you would want your child healthy always because CHILD HEALTHY, HAPPY MOTHER,,,
below we will learn how to keep children healthy.

Keeping Children Healthy
Three main factors play an important role in the health of children@ include:
1. healthy diet
2. The exercise or physical activity on a regular
3. adequate rest

Habits we learned since childhood will remain until adulthood. That is why it is important for parents to teach children the key factors to maintain their health. You do not have to impose these behaviors directly to the child, but could by example and give directions to the child at the right times.

Healthy diet and nutrition
From an early age, teach children to consume a variety of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, and so forth. Help them get used to serve foods that are healthy and balanced every day.

Related: Vitamins and Minerals Important for Children


tips on maintaining the health of children

Familiarize children to a nutritious breakfast in the morning, to support their growth and energy to perform activities such as learning and play.
Also make sure that children get a nutritious lunch, supplemented with vitamins and minerals essential for children. Some schools provide lunch for children. But so much better if you provide child pack a lunch from home, because you know best what is needed by your child. Limit snacks at school because of various snacks can not be guaranteed cleanliness and health.
Similarly, with dinner. The time is the time spent with family. Try to eat dinner together, so that you can interact with the children at the same attention to their eating patterns and habits.

Sport and physical activity children
Spend time playing outside with friends is more than enough as the physical activity of the child. Sweating and laughing with friends is a very good thing to support the growth and physical health of the child. Parents should ensure that children do not spend most of his time relaxing in front of the television or video games.

@Physical activity is essential for the health of children by m.bee

You can also include the child in a health club or other activities related to the physical, such as a dance studio, martial arts, and so forth. On weekends, you can also invite them to follow activities such as brisk walking or fun bike very often held on Sunday.

tips on maintaining the health of children

Rest and adequate sleep time
Apply breaks and adequate sleep time for your child. Children need 9-13 hours of sleep, depending on their age. During sleep, the body will recharge and regenerate. Enough sleep will help the growth and productivity of the child, as well as assist physical and mental development of children.
Lack of rest periods in children can cause some problems such as the lack of attention of children in school / current study, daytime sleepiness, lethargy body, and so forth. For that parents should pay attention to the child's sleep patterns to support the growth and health of children.
In addition to several important points above, the parents also have to teach children about the general health factors such as hygiene, wash hands with soap, toothbrush routine before bed, and others so that they are protected from infection and bacteria.
Familiarize these things in children from an early age is very important value for children, so that they are aware and know how to maintain health.

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