Thursday, March 19, 2015

10 Tips to increase creativity Children

10 Tips to increase creativity Children

10 Tips to increase creativity Children
10 Tips to increase creativity Children

How to increase creativity Children??

10 Tips toincrease creativity Children-Often we find a child who looks lazy in class or has a value that is not very good school. But there are times when they can get the value that exceeds their friends one class, or have something we do not expect abilities and can not be done by other children. So if you find a child or perhaps even our own baby looks "less intelligent" do not get discouraged. Maybe he is a creative and intelligent child, but has not been trained / well honed. I believe that all children have the talent to be intelligent and creative. Then how to train a child in order to be intelligent and creative? Let us follow the tips below:

There are 10 ways to hone the creativity of children, namely:

1.      1. Be creative every day
To show our concern at the baby in the creative, let us teach our baby to make something creative. For example, by drawing, paper folding, playing games (proper portion), play a game-playing on educational, singing, storytelling, and much more. Try to find something new and different from anything ever done by the baby, so that children do not feel bored and encouraged to be more creative thinking.

2. Using the two sides of the body
Although this is not commonly done. But if we train our baby early to do this, then this will be very useful in kemuadian day. How to? That is by training a child to do something using both sides of the body. The simplest thing you can do is to use hand drawing or coloring used in everyday activities. For example, baby we used to use his right hand while doing daily activities (writing, toothbrushes, eating, etc.). So we teach them to use the left hand while drawing. It would be better if the daily activities they were also trained to use alternate hands. This would be very useful to balance the left and right brain.

3. Have a figure that can be imitated and idolized
    By introducing many world leaders who have been successful, the children become aware of the various kinds of personalities and achievements of others. This is very important. Why? Because children love to imitate others. These figures can be a hero, inventor, clergy, and other figures that could serve as an example for the baby. Do not let the baby we just idolize cartoon characters or movie (as Tom and Jerry, Superman, Batman, etc.). This is not prohibited, but it would be better if these figures are a real person that can motivate children to imitate the good things in themselves serve targeted figure, the model in real life.

4. Increase vocabulary in children
The higher the child's vocabulary,, then a child will become easier to understand something. For example, when reading. When our baby a lot to know the meaning of the words he read in an article, then they will more easily understand the content of articles that he read. By understanding the contents of the article that she read, then the knowledge of the child becomes more widespread.

10 Tips toincrease creativity Children

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5. Train Traffic hear children

Train Traffic hear children

Personally, as an English teacher, I often use the audio media as a medium of learning child. For example, by using the Tape and Laoudspeaker. The tools I use when training the ability to hear the children in learning English. To train the vision, it might be easier because when viewing the TV did the children have learned to understand something with the sense of sight. So that the sense of hearing can be trained properly, it would be better if we often encourage children to listen to a song or a story and then ask the things that relate to the song or the story (eg by guessing).

6. Using colorful while playing and learning
Why are children's toys colorful? Maybe some of our colorful used only to attract children to buy toys on offer. But there are actually more useful functions. Colorful commonly used in toys was also able to activate the right brain. So when our baby learn to write, draw, and color, try using a pencil or other equipment colorful.

7. Train the child accuracy
When the children saw a picture of a giraffe, it will be easier for the child to say that it was a giraffe, rather than looking at the long giraffe legs and ask the child to mention the reason why so long giraffe legs. Why is this so important? Due to get children to learn something more detailed or complex, then the children will be more motivated to "know more" about something they already know. So soon after they mature, they are not only interested in using something that already exists, but finding new things about something he had used and create something new through something that has been there (hopefully understandable language).

8. Provide creative holiday
Creative holiday does not have to be expensive, but the important thing is in accordance with the interests of children. This could even be done at home. For example, with gardening, decorating the house, making the creation of trinkets, and much more. If necessary we also invite children to vacation outside the home, for example, to place outbound tourism has game. Normally active children will love it, because all the "emotion and soul" they could be channeled properly. In addition, from coaching outbound brother, the child will get a lot of lessons about the meaning of cooperation, tolerance, socialization, and others. Active children also must have good moral and ethical right? It is also important ....

9. Do not be too serious in educating
The family atmosphere is too serious and stiff, usually also less support for the children's creativitym.bee can flourish. Jokes and humor is very important minor in a family. We could take our baby jokes at moments relaxing, reading stories of humor, telling the daily experience that funny, and many other ways that can make a child feel relaxed when meeting with parents. It also will make the child feel the joy when inside the house, so that our children can be more expressive, especially related to the creativity that he was interested in and talents.

10. Train the ability of the right brain
    By inviting the children singing, poetry, drawing, and various other creative activities, the ability of the right brain will work optimally. At school, usually the children will be more likely to use the left brain, and when the left and right brain abilities can work well and balanced, then the children will have the opportunity not only to get the achievements in the field of akademisa alone, but can reach achievements in other fields, such as art.

10 Tips toincrease creativity Children

7 Natural Ways by m.bee to Overcome Fever In Children

7 Natural Ways to Overcome Fever In Children

7 Natural Ways to Overcome Fever In Children
7 Natural Ways to Overcome Fever In Children

Can fever in children subsides naturally?


7 Natural Ways to Overcome Fever In Children-Fever reliever for children are legion, and readily available in pharmacies. Yet many of us who avoid it and just use the drug when his temperature was really high.

The basic ingredients of drugs to reduce fever in children@ generally are paracetamol or ibuprofen. Both have side effects, such as paracetamol can be associated with asthma, while ibuprofen can lead to stomach ulcers and kidney problems.
If the fever is not too severe, why not try this alone 7 natural way?

1.       1.Compress on forehead
This is the most common way that is often done in the past, because the most easy and effective. Compressed forehead with a cold wet towel, or now many available tools that can compress purchased at a nearby pharmacy. Cold compresses will reduce the temperature in the head, so that children- become more calm.

2. Wash with warm water

Bathing the child with warm water or rashes nails, will help reduce fever in children. Do not bathe him with cold water because it will be shivering. Add salt bath or essential oils for example lavender oil to soothe the body. If it is not possible bathing him, wipe the body with a towel or wet washlap warm.

3. Massage with herbs

Mix eucalyptus oil with 2-3 grated onion, plus a slice of lime. When eucalyptus oil is too hard, can be replaced with coconut oil. Lime can be replaced with tamarind chutney. Massage your baby's body with this herb, especially the back, chest, and abdomen.

2.      4. Massage with Peppermint Oil
Peppermint Oil is very useful to relieve fever in children. Menthol in peppermint oil will be launched in the clogged nasal congestion, sinusitis, fever and other symptoms. Massage the chest and back slowly. Peppermint oil will relieve the skin temperature of the warm Small.

5. Prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids
One of the effects of fever in children is dehydration or lack of body fluids. Give drink that much. Try to fry food broth, herbal teas eg ginger and honey tea. You can also provide frozen fruit juice to cool the fever in children from the body. 

7 Natural Ways to Overcome Fever In Children

6. Build immune or immune
Provide nutritious foods in order to better her endurance. Fever in children make the appetite to be decreased. So make sure what he eats really nutritious. Broth (instead of cubes, but the broth of boiled chicken / beef) is one example of a nutritious diet for him.

7. Children need plenty of sleep and rest
Rest easy making body temperature subsides. If your child continues to actively move, the body will be tired and temperature can be increased. If he does not want to sleep, rotate the pleasure TV show and asked him to lie down.

 good mother,, good luck 7 ways to overcome this natural child's fever,, may be useful for you and for your dear baby today

7 Natural Ways to Overcome Fever In Children

How to cope with difficult children eat

 How to cope with difficult children eat

How to cope with difficult children eat
How to cope with difficult children eat

How to cope with difficult children eat-As a parent, you would want that your child be a healthy child. How to cope with difficult children eat? Listen here tips.

Healthy children is the desire of all parents. With the intake of food and adequate nutrition, healthy child certainly is not just a dream! But, you often irritated because a little like eating difficult. How the heck do I deal with difficult children@ eat? Here are some tips!

  • Find Cause of Difficult Children Eat

Before you start dealing with the child are difficult to eat, you have to know first the cause. There are several kinds of causes that make it difficult to eat your children-. Could be due to physical illness, change in diet, or psychological problems. Well, try to observe the condition of your son. Is she sick to be hard to eat? Or he was bored with the food that is too soft? Handling difficult to eat this problem is to be in accordance with the cause. If because of illness, give your child medicine or take him to the doctor. Or if due to changes in diet, then you should follow his diet. Do not force your child to follow mealtimes or your eating pattern.

How to cope with difficult children eat

  • Foods That Will Determine Served

So, you as a parent that determines the type of food that should be served or eaten by the child. While your child is entitled to determine and choose the foods that you already serve and how much will be consumed.
But, you also have to keep up and it will develop food intake regulation. If you force him to eat, then your child will not be able to develop measures to eat and taste.

  • Introduce a New Food Gradual
Sometimes it's hard to eat because your son was bored with the food you provide. The solution, you can gradually introduce new foods gradually texture. So, you give a varied diet one at a time, do not jump much so that the child was not surprised.
Introduce new foods to your baby at the right time, Mom. Morning is the most appropriate time for a new child woke up and already can simply rest, not in the afternoon when your son is already tired.

  • Create a Comfortable Atmosphere Eating
Yes, good atmosphere also affects the mood to eat the child. There are three things that you must consider in creating a comfortable dining atmosphere for children, ie the physical environment, emotional environment, and be a role model.
The physical environment is the environment in which your child will eat, consider whether the room is clean and make your baby 'at home' to sit and eat there. Emotional environment means you and your child are free of debate about the type of food and the portion that should be consumed. In addition, notice whether he was fighting with sister or brother? Because it was also influential, you know, ma'am. While a role model for the point is you have to come eat the food eaten by the child so that he can see you eat food with happy, excited and grateful.
Hopefully the above tips, you're so confused no longer cope with your son are difficult to eat yes, ma'am!

How to cope with difficult children eat

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